Well, one more reason to dislike Obama, or at least his supporters, as well as this whole political system. Stephen Colbert was blocked from being put on the Democratic ticket in South Carolina last week. Turns out, the culprits were a group of Obama supporters. Inez Tenenbaum, the once superintendent of education in South Carolina (and failed Senatorial hopeful), is a vocal supporter of Obama. She pressured the gang of 16 members of the Democratic executive council to exclude him from the ticket. They acquiesced and voted 13-3 to block him.
What is wrong with this picture? For starters, 16 people decide the who gets to run and who doesn’t for president. This is one of the hidden daggers in the representative government model. The American Empire is about voting for one of several candidates the media has hand-picked and groomed to be president. Of course, this isn’t the media’s fault, they are only watching the money handed down to them and doing what good goons do. We don’t elect people who operate based on the consensus of the people who put them there. We elect people who then may do whatever they damn well please while making pretty noises. Not always even pretty noises (cf. W). So who votes for this elite cadre of people who make and break presidents before they are even on the ticket? I guarantee that more than 99% of the electorate doesn’t participate in this process.
Here is a rich line from Tenenbaum after she lobbied the executive council to get Colbert thrown off the ticket:
“I think lobbying was too strong a word. I called them to see what they were thinking, and if they had made up their mind. I am a volunteer in that campaign, and so I am not a staffer. And I thought it could have taken votes away from a lot of people.”
Logical problems aside, this is also a half-truth (what your mom referred to as a lie). The fact is, Obama supporters consist of a lot of young, college-educated voters. Young, college-educated voters watch Colbert. So by “a lot of people,” she meant to say “my master.”
I’m just so fed up with the Sheepocratic party for their high-talking hypocrisy. The so-called mandate that they completely rolled over on, showing that they are yellow-bellied toadies is just the start. There is dirty dealing everywhere I look.